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Q61. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following commands is used to rotate, compress, and mail system logs? 

A. rotatelog 

B. striplog 

C. syslogd --rotate 

D. logrotate 

E. logger 


Q62. - (Topic 5) 

Which of the following lines are valid in the file /etc/hosts? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. 2001:db8::15 www.example.com www 

B. www.example.com www 

C. www.example.com www 

D. www.example.com,www,2001:db8::15 

E. 2003.0.113.15,2001:db8::15 www.example.com www 

Answer: A,C 

Q63. - (Topic 3) 

Which file contains the date of the last change of a user's password? 

A. /etc/gshadow 

B. /etc/passwd 

C. /etc/pwdlog 

D. /etc/shadow 

E. /var/log/shadow 


Q64. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 4) 

Which command is used to sync the hardware clock to the system clock? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.) 

Answer: hwclock, /sbin/hwclock, /usr/sbin/hwclock 

Q65. - (Topic 3) 

Which of the following files assigns a user to its primary group? 

A. /etc/pgroup 

B. /etc/shadow 

C. /etc/group 

D. /etc/passwd 

E. /etc/gshadow 


Q66. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 6) 

Which directory holds the files that configure the xinetd service when using several configuration files instead of an integrated configuration file? (Specify the full path to the directory.) 

Answer: /etc/xinetd.d/, /etc/xinetd.d 

Q67. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 6) 

With X11 forwarding in ssh, what environment variable is automatically set in the remote host shell that is not set when X11 forwarding is not enabled? (Specify only the environment variable without any additional commands or values.) 


Q68. - (Topic 2) 

How is a display manager started? 

A. It is started by a user using the command startx. 

B. It is started like any other system service by the init system. 

C. It is started by inetd when a remote hosts connects to the X11 port. 

D. It is started automatically when a X11 user logs in to the system console. 


Q69. - (Topic 6) 

Which of the following programs uses the hosts.allow file to perform its main task of checking for access control restrictions to system services? 

A. tcpd 

B. inetd 

C. fingerd 

D. mountd 

E. xinetd 


Q70. - (Topic 3) 

Which command can be used to delete a group from a Linux system? 

A. groupdel 

B. groupmod C. groups 

D. groupedit 
