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2021 Apr RH302 actual test


neo user tried by:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/neo/somefile bs=1024 count=70

files created successfully. Again neo tried to create file having 70K using following command:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/neo/somefile bs=1024 count=70

But he is unable to create the file. Make the user can create the file less then 70K.

Answer and Explanation:

Very Tricky question from redhat. Actually question is giving scenario to you to implement quota to neo user. You should apply the quota to neo user on /home that neo user shouldn't occupied space more than 70K.

1. vi /etc/fstab

LABEL=/home /home ext3 defaults,usrquota 0 0 àTo enable the quota on filesystem you should mount the filesystem with usrquota for user quota and grpquota for group quota.

2. touch /home/aquota.user àCreating blank quota database file.

3. mount -o remount /home àRemounting the /home with updated mount options. You can verify that /home is mounted with usrquota options or not using mount command.

4. quotacheck -u /home àInitialization the quota on /home

5. edquota -u neo /home àQuota Policy editor

See the snapshot

1 Disk quotas for user neo (uid 500):

2 Filesystem blocks soft hard inodes soft hard

4 /dev/mapper/vo-myvol 2 30 70 1 0 0

Can you set the hard limit 70 and soft limit as you think like 30.


Create one partitions having size 100MB and mount it on /data.

Answer and Explanation:

1. Use fdisk /dev/hda à To create new partition.

2. Type n à For New partitions

3. It will ask for Logical or Primary Partitions. Press l for logical.

4. It will ask for the Starting Cylinder: Use the Default by pressing Enter Key.

5. Type the Size: +100M à You can Specify either Last cylinder of Size here.

6. Press P to verify the partitions lists and remember the partitions name.

7. Press w to write on partitions table.

8. Either Reboot or use partprobe command.

9. Use mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hda?


mke2fs -j /dev/hda? à To create ext3 filesystem.

10. vi /etc/fstab


/dev/hda? /data ext3 defaults 1 2

11. Verify by mounting on current Sessions also:

mount /dev/hda? /data


Make user1, user2 and user3 belongs to training group.

Answer and Explanation:

7. usermod -G training user1

8. usermod -G training user2

9. usermod -G training user3

10. Verify from : cat /etc/group

There are two types of group, I) primary group II) Secondary or supplementary group.

I) Primary Group: Primary group defines the files/directories and process owner group there can be only one primary group of one user.

II) Secondary Group is used for permission. Where permission are defined for group members, user can access by belonging to that group.

Here user1, user2 and user3 belong as supplementary to training group. So these users get the permission of group member.


Make on /data that only the user owner and group owner member can fully access.

Answer and Explanation:

1. chmod 770 /data

2. Verify using : ls -ld /data

Preview should be like:

drwxrwx--- 2 root sysadmin 4096 Mar 16 18:08 /data

To change the permission on directory we use the chmod command. According to the question that only the owner user (root) and group member (sysadmin) can fully access the directory so:

chmod 770 /data


You are giving RHCE exam. Examiner gave you the Boot related problem and told to you that make successfully boot the System. When you started the system, System automatically asking the root password for maintenance. How will you fix that problem?

Answer and Explanation:

Maintenance mode also known as emergency mode. System boots on emergency mode when file system error occurred. It is due to unknown partition, bad filesystem specified in /etc/fstab. To slove follow the steps

6. Give the Root password

7. fdisk -l àVerify the Number of parations.

8. Identify the Root partition, e2label /dev/hda1, e2label /dev/hda2.....

9. Remount the root partation on rw mode: mount -o remount,defaults /dev/hda6 /

10. vi /etc/fstab

Correct all partitions, mount point, mount options, file system etc.

6. Press ctrl+d

Leading RH302 free exam:


You have DHCP server, which assigns the IP, gateway and DNS server ip to Clients. There are two DNS servers having MAC address (00:50:FC:98:8D:00, 00:50:FC:98:8C:00), in your LAN, But they always required fixed IP address (, Configure the DHCP server to assign the fixed IP address to DNS server.

Answer and Explanation:

1. vi /etc/dhcpd.conf

ddns-update-style none;

option routers;

option domain-name "example.com";

option domain-name-servers;

default-lease-time 21600;

max-lease-time 43200;

subnet netmask



host dns1 {

hardware ethernet 00:50:FC:98:8D:00;



host dns2 {

hardware ethernet 00:50:FC:98:8C:00;




/etc/dhcpd.conf file is used to configure the DHCP. Some global options i.e Gateway,

domainname, DNS server specified using option keyword. To assign as static ip from dhcp server,

required the mac address of interface.

2. Check the SELinux Context, should be like this:

-rw-r--r-- root root system_u:object_r:dhcp_etc_t /etc/dhcpd.conf

3. Use the restorecon -R /etc command to restore the selinux context of the file.

4. service dhcpd start | restart


Make a swap partition having 100MB. Make Automatically Usable at System Boot Time.

Answer and Explanation:

1. Use fdisk /dev/hda àTo create new partition.Type n àFor New partitionIt will ask for Logical or Primary Partitions. Press l for logical.It will ask for the Starting Cylinder: Use the Default by pressing Enter Key.Type the Size: +100M àYou can Specify either Last cylinder of Size here.Press P to verify the partitions lists and remember the partitions name. Default System ID is 83 that means Linux Native.Type t to change the System ID of partition.Type Partition NumberType 82 that means Linux Swap.Press w to write on partitions table.Either Reboot or use partprobe command.mkswap /dev/hda?àTo create Swap File system on partition.swapon /dev/hda?àTo enable the Swap space from partition.free -m àVerify Either Swap is enabled or not.vi /etc/fstab

/dev/hda? swap swap defaults 0 0Reboot the System and verify using free command that swap is automatically enabled or not.


There are two different networks, and Your System is in Network. One RHEL 5 Installed System is going to use as a Router. All required configuration is already done on Linux Server. Where and IP Address are assigned on that Server. How will make successfully ping to Network's Host?

Answer and Explanation:

1. vi /etc/sysconfig/network



vi /etc/sysconf/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0







2. service network restart


Make Secondary belongs the jackie and curtin users on sysuser group. But david user should not belongs to sysuser group.

Answer and Explanation:

1. usermod -G sysuser jackie

2. usermod -G sysuser curtin

3. Verify by reading /etc/group file

Using usermod command we can make user belongs to different group. There are two types of group one primary and another is secondary. Primary group can be only one but user can belongs to more than one group as secondary.

usermod -g groupname username à To change the primary group of the user

usermod -G groupname username à To make user belongs to secondary group.


Create the user named eric but eric should not belong to the sysadmin group.

Answer and Explanation:

1. useradd eric

Very tricky question given to you that this user should not belongs to sysadmin group.